5 Steps to Planning Your School Fundraiser: How to Get Started

Research. Do your research and select a school fundraiser that best fits your needs. Choosing a fundraiser for your entire school is a big task, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it should be quite simple with the help of an experienced Fundraising Consultant. Don’t know where to start or what questions to ask? Find out How To Pick The Perfect School Fundraiser- 15 Questions to Ask Before Signing on the Dotted Line.
Schedule. Determine your fundraising dates. Review the Prime Times for School Fundraising and learn more about the importance of fundraising dates and the benefits of kicking-off your sale early in the school year. Discuss date options with your Fundraising Consultant and be sure to consider a kick-off date that won’t interfere with other school events or PTA activities. You’ll also want to check your school’s calendar to ensure there is no overlap with other fundraisers.
Reserve. Return your signed agreement in a timely manner to reserve your school’s fundraising dates and promotional materials. It’s important to keep your Fundraising Consultant informed of any changes such as student enrollment or kick-off dates. Be sure to keep a copy of your signed agreement for the school’s records, too.
Recruit. It’s time to rally your team! Recruit a few Spirit Leaders (aka PTA volunteers, teachers and even the Principal) to help co-chair and promote the fundraiser. Post your volunteer needs in the school newsletter or on social media to help with your recruiting efforts. Check out our school fundraiser Volunteer Tasks and Tips for more information on volunteer opportunities and what volunteers can expect during the fundraiser.
Get Excited. Now that the planning is out of the way, it’s time to start prepping for an awesome fundraiser full of promotions and fun! Talk to your Fundraising Consultant about your next steps and get ready to raise some serious funds!
Looking for a fundraising program for your school, PTA or other organization? Charleston Wrap® would love to help plan your next fundraiser. Contact us today and let’s start planning together!