Unique, high quality products translate to higher sales and more revenue for your organization. When only the best will do – Choose Charleston Wrap!

Charleston Wrap History
Charleston Wrap and its parent company JAXCO Industries, Inc. have helped thousands of schools and millions of students raise over $100 million for their organizations through successful school fundraisers. Charleston Wrap operates out of two 50,000 sq. ft. distribution centers in Walterboro, SC with the help of over 200 seasonal and full-time employees and sales representatives located nation-wide to assist with your next school fundraising campaign.
Founded 31 years ago by Mike Jackson Sr. and Mike Jackson Jr., Charleston Wrap today is run by his son Mike Jackson Jr. and his wife Kim Jackson. Over the years, they have succeeded in substantially growing the school fundraising company by exceeding customer’s expectations. Their goal is not to be the biggest, but the best.
Why is this Important?
Very simply– unique, high quality products translate to higher sales and more revenue for your organization. Choose only the finest in fundraising– Charleston Wrap!