School Fundraiser:
Volunteer Tasks and Tips

Breaking up your committee into leaders is a fantastic way to delegate responsibilities during your school fundraiser. Below you’ll find a list of various optional volunteer opportunities – these positions are suggestions only, and you’ll likely find that not all of the opportunities mentioned below will be necessary to run your Charleston Wrap® fundraiser – we just like to make sure you’re prepared! Fundraising is about working together to achieve a goal, so rally the troops and have some fun while you’re at it!
Fundraising Materials “Keeper”
- Receive and account for all fundraising materials provided by Charleston Wrap®: student packets, parent letters, posters, daily prize incentives, kick-off DVD, collection envelopes, display kit and other promotional materials.
- Hold onto the pre-paid FedEx Shipping Label provided by Charleston Wrap®. The label is used to mail your completed order forms to Charleston Wrap® for order-entry once the fundraiser is complete. It’s important to keep the label in a safe place during your fundraiser. Don’t lose it!
Kick-Off Team
- Review the Kick-Off script and/or Parent Night script. Make necessary edits according to your school’s program.
- Set-up the display kit and hang the posters around school.
- Select a few fun and crazy outfits for the Principal and teachers to wear, to help set the tone for your kick-off assembly.
- Help direct and organize the kick-off assembly flow and any speakers (Principal, teachers, student-body President, parent speakers).
- Select the music to be played as students arrive and depart from the assembly.
- Prepare the Kick-Off video and have it ready to be played during the assembly.
- Gather any materials or items needed for your kick-off assembly (ie- catalogs, prizes, display kit items, technical equipment).
Daily Prize Patrol
- REQUIREMENT: Lots of energy and enthusiasm! Who doesn’t love handing out prizes and seeing a kid smile?!
- Award daily prizes and internet prizes to students who have earned them.
- THANK the students for their hard work and participation by acknowledging them during morning announcements, in class, or during lunch in front of their peers.
- Raise awareness of the fundraiser by having fun! Dress up in crazy costumes and dance around the school while you hand out prizes.
Fundraising Info Table Volunteer
- Set-up a fundraising table at school events (such as Parent Night or athletic events) and inform parents and supporters about the fundraiser, your goal, and how the funds will be used.
- Have a few catalogs and extra parent letters on-hand to pass out.
- Set-up items from the display kit to show-off products.
Communication/Promotion Coordinator
- Prepare morning/afternoon announcement scripts to be read.
- Manage social media posts.
- Ensure reminder flyers go home to parents.
- Send emails, mass-texts, etc. to parents reminding them of the fundraiser and your goals.
Order Form and Money Collection Team
- Gather order forms and money.
- Separate order forms by teacher using the “homeroom envelopes”, provided by Charleston Wrap®.
- Mail order forms to Charleston Wrap® (*Use Prepaid FedEx Label provided with your fundraising materials).
- Collect “late orders” and submit them to Charleston Wrap®.
Delivery and Distribution Crew
- Schedule the parent pick-up date and distribute orders.
- Direct customers to the Charleston Wrap® Customer Service Team for any questions regarding orders.
A school fundraiser is the absolute perfect opportunity for parents to donate their time, so be sure to recruit a few “Spirit Team Leaders” (aka PTA volunteers) and your fundraiser will be rockin’ in no time (PS- It’s always a good idea to get the Principal or a few “fun” teachers involved, too!)..…..Sign em’ up!