Final Fundraising Countdown Challenge!

The only way to increase your fundraising sales and profits before your deadline is to promote, promote, promote, and the best way to ignite support during the final hours of your fundraiser is with a simple, yet urgent, social media blitz – A Final Countdown Challenge.

Launch a Final Countdown Challenge on social media and watch your profits grow!

  1. Review your current fundraising sales and determine the amount you still need to raise before your urgent deadline.  Your social post should be direct and to the point. For example, “Our fundraising deadline is this Friday and we are just $500 from reaching our final goal. We need your help NOW to support our very important cause.”
  2. Challenge participants and supporters to SHARE the fundraising information with their friends and family, encouraging last minute support.
  3. Post the challenge on social media!
  4. Don’t forget to provide an update the day after your fundraising deadline, announcing your final results.

Be sure your social post includes:

  1. An eye-catching image. Simply copy and paste the image seen here into your organization’s social media post.
  2. Communicate your final goal amount and deadline.
  3. Include your online ID and link to order.
  4. Ask participants and supporters to like and SHARE with their friends & family!

Here’s to increasing your sales and reaching your goals with the help of a friendly, last minute challenge!

