Last ship day, 12-17-2021 noon EST, and will resume 1-3-2022.

Social Media Guide to School Fundraising

Social media is the easiest way to promote your school's fundraiser.  Imagine the number of fundraising supporters you can reach with a simple Facebook or Instagram message!  It only takes a few minutes to create a post and the results can be exponential.  Maximize your school's fundraising profits [...]

Social Media Guide to School Fundraising2024-08-05T08:33:50-04:00

Farewell Yankee Candle Fundraising. Hello, Charleston Wrap!

Farewell Yankee Candle Fundraising. Hello, Charleston Wrap! Yankee Candle fundraisers were certainly a tradition for many schools and groups over the years. If your organization has previously raised funds with Yankee Candle fundraising, you may be looking for an alternative candle fundraiser. Yankee Candle fundraising announced the [...]

Farewell Yankee Candle Fundraising. Hello, Charleston Wrap!2024-08-09T12:04:18-04:00

Virtual Fundraising: The New Way for Schools and Groups to Raise Funds

Virtual Fundraising: The New Way for Schools and Groups to Raise Funds In the good old days, catalogs and paper form ordering were the go-to for fundraising. Participants would go door-to-door or call up their relatives on the phone and ask them to purchase products from their [...]

Virtual Fundraising: The New Way for Schools and Groups to Raise Funds2024-08-12T09:42:48-04:00

A Better Value. A Better Gift Wrap Fundraiser.

A Better Value. A Better Gift Wrap Fundraiser. Give your supporters the most bang for their buck with a fundraiser that offers a fantastic V A L U E.  We know there are plenty of gift wrap snobs out in the world (you know who you are), and we're [...]

A Better Value. A Better Gift Wrap Fundraiser.2024-08-01T16:21:07-04:00

Fundraising Made Easy

We make fundraising E A S Y - and that's how it should be. Earn maximum (and easy) funds with Charleston Wrap's online resources and social sharing tools! We provide all the online tools you need to expand your reach and audience for incremental sales and big profits. [...]

Fundraising Made Easy2024-08-01T15:54:37-04:00

5 Juicy Facts About Spring Fundraising

Earn 30% MORE with Charleston Wrap™!  Yep, that's right! Organizations typically earn 30% MORE profit with our fundraising programs. Now that's what we call an increase! Learn more about Why Schools Earn 30% More Money with Charleston Wrap™. Quick and Easy. Our fundraiser is ready for you! We've [...]

5 Juicy Facts About Spring Fundraising2024-08-07T09:29:34-04:00

School Focused Fundraising: Understanding the Unique Challenges of School Fundraising

Understanding the Unique Challenges of School Fundraising When choosing a school fundraiser, it's important to select an experienced company that truly knows the ins-and-outs of just that, "school" fundraising. At Charleston Wrap, we understand the unique challenges that school leaders, PTO/PTA sponsors, and parent groups face, and [...]

School Focused Fundraising: Understanding the Unique Challenges of School Fundraising2024-08-12T09:40:28-04:00

It’s Better Than Ever: Charleston Wrap’s 2019 Fall Fundraiser for Schools

It's Better Than Ever. CW's 2019 Fall Fundraiser for Schools It's better than ever. When it comes to school fundraising, Charleston Wrap® seriously knows how to walk the walk.  Every Fall, schools have the opportunity to wow their parents and supporters yet again with another stellar Charleston Wrap® [...]

It’s Better Than Ever: Charleston Wrap’s 2019 Fall Fundraiser for Schools2024-08-12T09:36:18-04:00

School Fundraising Promotion Timeline

School Fundraising Promotion Timeline Communication is key to your fundraiser's success and it's really important to have an idea of what to communicate and when.  Below you'll find just that - a timeline of when to communicate during your school's fundraiser and what key information needs to [...]

School Fundraising Promotion Timeline2024-08-07T11:28:02-04:00

School Fundraising Kick-Off Guide: 6 Tips for Planning Your Kick-Off Assembly

School Fundraising Kick-Off Guide: 6 Tips for Planning Your Kick-Off Assembly   Prepare PTA volunteers, teachers and the Principal  Ask key members of your school community to participate in your fundraiser's kick-off assembly!  Make sure everyone is aware of the kick-off date, time, and their responsibilities. The [...]

School Fundraising Kick-Off Guide: 6 Tips for Planning Your Kick-Off Assembly2024-08-12T09:41:26-04:00
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